As part of its preparations for the 2022 UTME, the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) has restated its ban on certain items which are barred from the venue of its examinations. These items, according to the Board, have been noted to have aided candidates in perpetrating examination malpractice.
Therefore, the ban on these items is to protect the sanctity of the Board’s examination, especially from the antics of some candidates and their collaborators. The Board also reiterates her avowed commitment to zero tolerance for examination malpractice adding that any candidate or official caught with any of these items would be duly sanctioned.
Some of the prohibited items are mobile phones, watches, pens/biro, spy reading glasses except medicated which must be verified, calculators or similar electronic devices, USB, CDs, hard disks and other similar storage devices, books, or any reading/writing materials, cameras, recorders, microphones, earpieces, ink/pen readers, smart lens, smart jewelry, smart buttons, BlueTooth devices, key holders, ATM cards, erasers, handkerchiefs, face towels and money.

Instructions on Biometric Verification
1. Biometric Verification will be the only mode for the admittance of candidates into the examination centre. Strict adherence to the guide on compulsory biometric verification of every candidate is required.
2. No Candidate should be kept waiting if he/she cannot be verified. Such a candidate should be recaptured at the centre before leaving. ONLY genuine cases will subsequently be treated.

3. There is no other Attendance Register apart from the biometric verification. Biometric verification will also serve as Attendance Register during examinations.
4. Photo Albums will only carry pictures with no marking points for either Present or Absent status.
5. All Examination Officials, including the security agents, are to ensure compliance with all guidelines, rules, and regulations on the examination.
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