Following the upwards review of school fees in the university of Abuja which has made a lot of students either drop out or struggle to pay, the school’s director of Socials (SUG) made a post on their WhatsApp group asking that students speak up and call the school to listen to their plights, the chat was leaked and the school authority got wind of it.
He was later rusticated for his remonstration and asked to leave the school immediately.
Today I was rusticated from university of Abuja because of my post on my sug whatapp group…if the poor can’t go to school we don’t have the education we deserve!! #HumanRightsDefenders #uniabuja #humanitarian #NoToUniabujaSchoolFeesHike #poorhaverighttoeducation
Igwe had said, “Good evening, house. We will be having a meeting tomorrow by 6:00 pm in regards to school fees, let’s know our way forward. I am deeply in pain, many students can’t pay, I hope the SUG President is in this group. I need everyone’s ideas.
“I’d rather risk my life, my admission than seeing thousands of students drop out. If the spirit of Aluta lives in us, it has to wake up. Please be part of this meeting.”
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