Waec 2022 Literature In English Obj & Essay Questions And Answers Now Available

Nweze is the first lawyer in Ibuza, and everyone admires him because he’s someone who has tasted what civilization looks like? This time, the people are set to welcome him home. The women of Ibuza are busy composing and rehearsing songs to welcome him from Wharf. Upon his arrival, it is noticeable that he could not swallow pounded yam anymore, he could not even eat a piece of bone. “The meat they cooked for him has to be stewed for days until it was almost a pulp” One good thing that the people respect him for is the fact that he did not bring a white woman with him like the rest of been-to. All Pa’s friends agree with him that he’s a good man because if he had brought a white woman to Ibuza Oboshi would have sent leprosy on the woman.

Lawyer Nweze is a source of inspiration and motivation for Adah. His personality sparks fire that propels. Adah wants to go to the United Kingdom one day, and she keeps the dream to herself, but her dreams soon assume substance. It lives with her, just like a presence.Adah, as a child, likes to be associated with Lawyer Nweze. She even claims to her schoolmates that Lawyer Nweze is her cousin. It is Lawyer Nweze’s story that gives Adah the inspiration to dream of travelling to the United Kingdom one day.

The Ibuza women in Lagos are preparing to welcome Lawyer Nweze back to Nigeria after successfully earning a law degree in the United Kingdom. Humour is one of the aspects of language and style in this novel. An instance is seen in the expression, ‘Going to the United Kingdom must surely be like paying God a visit’. A case of onomatopoeia is seen in the word ‘United Kingdom’ being made to sound like a bomb. Lawyer Nweze is held in awe by the people. He is the first man of Ibuza to have a law degree and from a foreign country. The women have to perm their hair to look European in preparation for the reception. This suggests the influence of western culture on Africans, which is a major consequence of colonisation.


Nii decides to take his wife, Massa to the spiritualist home as her sickness persists. The caring powder from the spiritualist only stopped the frequent stooling. The journey to the village is quite tempestuous and tiresome. Massa on her part could not make the journey and she passes out in the vehicle. Nii pleads with the driver to convey them to a nearby hospital for medical attention all to no avail. On getting there, Nii is ushered into an office to pay for service at the hospital mortuary. He is to pay the sum of one hundred cedi for each day and it must be increased if the corpse is kept at the mortuary for more than three days Nii’s mind is occupied with so many things such as; the cost of transporting the corpse, the cost of burial, the coffin, clothing and drinks. Nii left the dead body of massa and traveled.

Mama and Joe haven traced Massa to be the late wife of the brother they both convey Massa’s corpse to Sampa village for burial. The procession to the cemetery is a pleasant one. The people in the town gave them warm welcome and appreciate their efforts in bringing Massa’s dead body home. Mama learnt one thing about Massa, she had been an adopted child and had not visited the village for a long time.

It was at the point, they massa was given a befitting burial.


The narrator’s encounter with Kimbro is seen at the liberty paint plant.
The narrator’s entrance to the paint plant is uneventful as he must cross a bridge in the fog, implying that, he is unable to see out around him. The narrator is sent to Mr. Kimbro who will serve as his boss. This man dishes out instructions and also asks the workers not to ask questions. The narrator’s first job is with the pure white paint the company is known for. When the narrator mixes the wrong ingredient into the paint because he is afraid to ask Kimbro questions, the paint turns a dull grey underneath the white. Kimbro notices the difference and he’s fired from the job and he’s sent to another Boss, Mr. Brockway, who has a position in the basement as a sort of engineer. Brockway bombards the narrator with numerous questions about his past before he gives him a job.

It was after the sacked of the Narrator by Kimbro that he had another bad encounter with his new boss and it was at the point of explanation that the new Boss Brockway who explodes in anger at his participation in a union. Brockway physically attacks him, refusing to listen to his explanation. The narrator becomes enraged and fights off Mr. Brockway, knocking his teeth out. As a result of inattention to the gauges in the room, the pressure goes over the allotted mark, the narrator tries to pull the value back under control all to no avail. The tank bursts and the narrator is knocked unconscious.

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